Lies being taught;
There are several photographs showing
holocaust of Jews.
The Truth;
The photographs are fakes. here some samples.
The top Jewish artwork
shows flame and smoke belching from the crematoria as victims line up for their
turn to die — it just so happens this a giant lie since crematorias are never,
ever designed for flames to go up the chimney. The overly-imaginative Jews
(liars) always describe these flames in lurid, satanic detail like Steven
Spielberg did in “Schindler’s List.” Bottom photo shows the smoke-less
crematoria in the background (all existing photos are like this). Note the
“doomed” Jews smiling and waving for the camera.
They didn’t just do
this kind of thing for war-time propaganda or for the Nuremberg War Trials,
either. The photo on the right was found up on the Simon Weisenthal Center
website in 1999. To get American sympathies stoked-up (which is the point),
they’ve explained that the smoke in the background is coming from the
crematoria at Auschwitz – all the parents and family of the Jews in the
foreground going up. But someone located the original on the left, clearly
showing a later-day air-brushing job (poorly done, too). So busted!
The ridiculous
bashed-in holes where Zyklon-B is said to have been poured in on the victim
Jews below. The aerial shot on the left shows the supposed location of the
so-called entry ports. The photo on the right is from where the marks were made
on the aerial shots. They look like they were purposefully bashed-in with a
sledgehammer into the remnants of the crematoria (the last one was conveniently
blown-up by the Soviets soon after the war). Note the steel rebar curled back
in. Question: Do you really think the efficient Germans would have allowed such
construction crudity?
This supposed secret shot with a “smuggled
camera” is said to show body burning at Auschwitz, because the numbers of
claimed gassing dead were so impossible for the crematoria (actually used for
the day-to-day dead of a 100,000 camp).
It’s really a combination print of at least three photos: One, the window where a Jew Kapo snapped the shot “secretly” and two, a newspaper negative stolen from a 1912 train wreck in Dresden, Ohio, showing rescue people, along with a few real dead victims of the accident. Three, added figures and bodies were spliced in for effect (with obvious retouching — see the crude “spaghetti woman”). The final montage print itself was then re-shot on a copy stand to aid in the fakery.
It’s really a combination print of at least three photos: One, the window where a Jew Kapo snapped the shot “secretly” and two, a newspaper negative stolen from a 1912 train wreck in Dresden, Ohio, showing rescue people, along with a few real dead victims of the accident. Three, added figures and bodies were spliced in for effect (with obvious retouching — see the crude “spaghetti woman”). The final montage print itself was then re-shot on a copy stand to aid in the fakery.
So where’s the naked
Jew guy? Famous holocaust shot was accidentally published in New York Times
without starving naked Jew. So how did that happen? Close examination of the
accepted version shows subtle light flashing from darkroom double printing,
where someone dropped in the naked Jew to aid in the “shock value.”
Now do you see why the Jews, internationally, work so hard to prohibit any forensic and historical research into the Holocaust?
Now do you see why the Jews, internationally, work so hard to prohibit any forensic and historical research into the Holocaust?
The Holocaust™ has been very, very good for the Jews and
they know it. That’s why they seek to protect the whole gig — truth be damned.
Here’s a shot where
they used to say was taken of Jews on the way to death in the gas chamber, but
was later proven to be German refugees in 1946!
1) The big, bad Nazi
on the right is obviously pasted in, the lighting is from two directions and
the focal point is off. 2) If you knew anything about rifle ballistics would
you be this close to a wall? 3) This has to be a still from a Soviet propaganda
film later pawned off as holocaust proof. The building in the background has a
big star on it — probably the red Soviet star. Also, the big, clean Stars of
David on the Jew work crew is obvious overkill. Since all the holocaust
business occurred in the soon-to-be Soviet territory, what we are really seeing
is the continuous recycling of faked Soviet propaganda by Western Zionist Jews.
German soldiers, who just happen to be sporting WW I era
helmets, round up some well-dressed Jews. On the right, civilians can be seen
having a big guffaw with a German paratrooper — maybe he landed in their garden
Now that’s some big, damned Jews! These hung
Jews would have had to have been 8 foot tall (hung apparently without rope).
And they called Jews “Untermenschen”? Maybe they were the “Golem” for a local
Rabbi? You little midget Nazis were something else!
Fun with dead bodies. Let’s take photo A and merge it with photo B – viola! Holocaust Propaganda with a capital “P”! Or is it “H”? And the skinny, emaciated Jews, alive or dead? There is much to blame on the insane allied bombing campaigns that totally destroyed Germany. In fact, after the war 5 million Germans starved to death (only recently admitted to) – far more than any Jews in concentration camps (but the Germans had it coming, right?).
1) You can see the background behind the “victim” being blended-in crudely with a real-life airbrush – not the tool in modern-day PhotoShop. Look around his head.
2) He didn’t do a good job with the boot, as you can see the cut-line.
Check out the smiling, totally evil Nazi — you go, Fritzie!
Another hard day at the office for the 'Evil' Nazi Man! How so many people are still able to believe so many of the blatantly fake photos being pawned-off as proof is beyond me? People just don’t hang with their legs like this (finally admitted in 1996 to be a East German communist fraud created in 1958).
To make matters even worse however, this particular photo was just recently
published as being real (more evil Nazi brainwashing), in a National Geographic
documentary on crucifixions shown to American guy during the 2014 Easter
Fact 1
Fact 2
Please don't forget to see the more than 2000 year history of 6 million Jewish Holocaust;-
(10th century BC)
My question is why..why did they do all of this? I've just started looking into this & haven't found an explanation yet. Ty
ReplyDeletecheck my history index or here is the ans copy paste the link;
DeleteTo control the world of course the NWO coordinators .
DeleteFor one is they are nort the real Jews of the Bible, they are Edomites who stole Judahs identity when they helped to put Judah into slavery in the 1600s. Do some research on King Herod and you'll see he was an Edomite not a Judahite, they are his bloodline. Ruling the world has always been Esaus goal besides destroying Jacobs bloodline, this is why all the wars and they have financed every single one of them for centuries. How better to get away with it then to rewrite history, make themselves the victims in the eyes of the world and claim they are Gods chosen people when in fact they are the only people God claims to hate, yes hate!
DeleteThe real answer is Rothschild. Study the Rothschild family. It was because they wanted to create the state of Israel.
Deleteover 2 trillon dollars has been claimed, and keep going on till today, they do it so nobody dare to ask about the huge success of the national socialist system( this is where the Nazi word originated) , since that system was based on labor and not on gold , you might wanna watch the Greatest Story Never Told
DeleteIt is a huge money making racket and they needed to be presented as victims to garner sympathy so they would be allowed to steal Palestine. That is WHY they did it. The holchoax industry is HUGE
ReplyDeletei thought N.W.O. was just an internet hoax.
ReplyDeleteNope. The NWO was a plan to bring about the destruction of the Kings, Queens and church in the west. The is successful in that it has subverted the word of god, nature and her laws are playing second fiddle to the non binaries, the hedonists. Then consider most of the Kings are queens are gone and the NWO has been success. Next phase is the eradication of the white man. To picture the future just look to Palestine.
DeleteI'm supposed to be writing a Holocaust essay for school, however I refuse because I don't believe the Holocaust is real and this is really good evidence to why it isn't and was never real.
Deletesome people think im a white supremesist or a nazi supporter when i try explaing about the holohoax, they say hitler was a bad man, then in the next breath they say kill all the muslims, simpletons they are
ReplyDeleteI'd like to add that the author Elie Wiesel, who recently passed away, is featured in this same photograph. See below, a photo from the Yahoo archive with arrow pointing to Mr. Wiesel.;_ylt=A0LEV1NCQpNX3CUALvVXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0aGk0dXRhBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjI1MDJfMQRzZWMDcGl2cw--?p=elie+wiesel&fr=yfp-t-s&fr2=piv-web#id=68&
ReplyDeleteyes you can see elie Weisel hale and hearty ig good health and not killed nor harmed in the original pic with Question mark. he is the face nearest to question mark in middle row. the condition of Jews in concentration was same as those of japnese in concentration camps ordered by FDR.
DeleteKhazarian Ashkenazi Jew-ish Rothschild Elites wish to take possession of the entire world. They nearly have it. And you know what? They will indeed have it very soon because the masses of Gentiles are idiots. The masses of Gentiles have fallen for all of their traps, lies, and fear mongering. Hitler and the Nazis tried to warn the world, they tried to get Britain and the USA on their side to defeat the International Rothschild Banking Cartel but the idiotic British and Americans fought against Hitler's plan for a world free of those vermin. Hitler was the only chance that the world stood to have a free, just, and truthful global community. But alas, the corrupt evil side prevailed against the mighty Germans. And unfortunately, there is nothing that Humanity can do now. Only an act of God can save humanity from this global pestilence. I pray that day come fast!
ReplyDeleteVery well said, Anonymous.
DeleteThe history of the Khazarian Mafia. This video needs to be shared as often as possible.
Most people could give a rats ass about TRUTH. They are too attached & committed to fairy tales they've been taught. They'd rather not upset the apple cart and, instead, go about being 'nice people' towing the line. Revisiting history and reexamining their belief constructs is much too hard and inconvenient. Truth also hurts, and most goy cattle are busy watching football, movies, TV, mindlessly to escape real life and... the real truth about the world they live in.
ReplyDeleteOh the irony...
DeleteThanks, after this, it totally blew my mind and I finally got red pilled and saw the world for what it was! The Jews are just a bunch of meany bo beanies that faked it all for a get rich quick scheme!! xD
ReplyDeleteHi, as I grew up, was born in 1950, my parents where both veterans of the Canadian air force, you have to understand the amount of propaganda we were under. The things that were said and things you were not allowed to say. It makes it hard to get past a lot of the bs that is out there. I have managed but I know a lot that haven't who are still stuck in their beliefs. To see evidence like this makes it a lot easier for me to solidify my convictions about the lies I was fed, intentionally or not. It makes it hard to asses who you should believe and what you need to toss. I had a lot of questions about things that happened as I grew up and could never get an answer that satisfied me. I see now where the American controllers wanted to shut down a lot of the Canadian research as it wouldn't be good for them with somebody living next door with their own big stick. I have seen and felt politics change and watched with total dismay how the United States started to sink and be torn apart from the inside. It most probably started right after President Kennedy was shot. I use to drive truck back in the late 60's and early 70's hauling freight between Canada and the US, I could see a great change in the small towns that I drove through in the US but didn't put 2 and 2 together till later, after Nixon and Reagan had their go at sucking money out of America. You could see and feel a definite change and by not living in it all the time I could see the difference whereas people living in the US wouldn't have noticed it until later. I want to live long enough to see both Canada and the United States become great again.
ReplyDeleteSadly most Americans have been so dumbed down that they will defend the slave masters and the leis they have been spoon fed for years. Very seldom do I run across someone who knows the truth and willing to do their best to tell it. The problem is many of those who know the truth are afraid to even have their name associated with that truth which is even shown in here with the use of Anonymous instead of a real name. The following sites should be passed around as often as possible.
Hi, I’ve just recently come across this site & reading all that’s been posted. Tried to go to the links posted above, but unfortunately they have all been taken down/censored/blocked due to “hate speech” content. Guess they’re still controlling our ability to read and think for ourselves. Hopefully someone is better than I at accessing these links to view the information.
DeleteProves my elder brother was right when he stated, We are all mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed a load of bullshit
ReplyDeleteThe Jews are not themselves for they are not the Jews?
ReplyDeleteHistory has told lies only and solely because liars have written it? When we are told that Transgender bathrooms are of import and Gay marriage a descent thing we have been twisted into accepting nothing and believing nothing?
I have no qualms with Gay people, but God does, so they change it, God only hates one group of people, so they change it, Populations are made to sacrifice for profit and power, Moloch rewards those who sacrifice the young to him so they do? The world maybe lost but isn't that the point of faith, to believe in something spiritual, something bigger than yourself, bigger than the historic lies of the writers of the script of life? I say believe in God and he will believe in you and then in us and we will find our harmonic salvation. Trump is the crest of a wave that will wash over all of us, BELIEVE in GOD almighty and he will save us, amen...
This is one of the most finely ingrained brainwashed stories in the entire world. This will never change. Like JFK and 9-11. All things that happened for reasons we will never know. I mean we kind of know them but we don't see the whole picture.
ReplyDeleteThis will never change. If you are reading this thinking to yourself "one day everybody will know this!" ... I hate to break it to you but no, they won't. Most people aren't capable of thinking with their own brain in long enough intervals to sustain a self-education session on unorthodox historical education.
The Jews declared war on Germany before the war. google it. They successfully ruined the German economy. They are still doing the same old trickery of dressing in hairy clothing n stealing the blessing. God is not racist. Esau n Jacob had the same bloodline n ancestry. So does Ishmael n any other of Abraham's sons.
ReplyDeleteI just don't get people. I just get angry retorts from people when I ask how many Ukrainians were left to starve to death at the hands of Stalin (who was later praised as the "man of the hour" by US officials after he switched sides & fought the Germans with us) and why don't we sympathize for them? How many poor Cambodians were murdered by pol pots Khmer rouge and why don't we feel bad for them? And why is it that the people we "saved from the gas chambers" and the evil Nazis by sacrificing a lot of our own people's lives in war refer to us as CATTLE? another thing you don't hear about is in 1948 the Jews executed a daytime aerial bombing of Palestinians, HOWEVER, the spot they targeted at that time was full of Palestinian CHILDREN getting out of school. Holocaust was just another tall tale created by Jews, after all, who writes all the fiction turned blockbuster movies in Hollywood? Yeah, we only have ourselves to blame for allowing Jews like Adam Sandler to make $20 million for AWFUL GARBAGE like "Jack & Jill".....
ReplyDeleteOne of the biggest hoaxes in history. There were a huge number of reasons it was created.
ReplyDelete1. by inflating the 126,000 jewish prisoners into 6 million, it fits the zionist prophecies.
2. The concentration camps were literally prisons, for criminals. When world war 1 ended, Jewish and Polish loan sharks FLOODED into Germany and set up an endless ring of loans and financing that still exists today. Germany was the Jewish 'stronghold'. As part of Germany's attempt to reconstruct their decimated country, financial debts were nationalized and basically created a debt 'jubilee'.
Of course, the Jewish debtors refused, and violated federal law, turning into a gigantic set of loanshark and profiteering mafias. Concentration camps were filled with basically jewish criminals and their polish and gypsy legbreakers who had been intercepted and imprisoned, as well as public homosexuals (also violating laws in their recruitment efforts, post world war 1 germany became an even worse hell that today with legalized sodomy and child pornography, and homosexual supremacy)
4. Churchill decided that bombing supply lines to the concentration camps that had little protection was FAR easier than attempting to actually fight the german army. It also produced great pictures of starving inmates for propaganda (The pictures never showed the guards who were ALSO starving)
Basically, the whole thing was a psyop that the jews explolited in order to justify thrusting america into a war to 'protect their money' and to strip Germany of all it's resources post-war. Nurmberg, especially, was fake from beginning to end, with absolutely no truthful evidence. Numrberg was only created as a way to rob and rape germans (and that was literal. Post world war 2, eight out of ten german women under the age of thirty were raped by allied forces at least once)
And today? well. Jews can get away with ANYTHING simply by calling anyone that notices 'antisemitic'.