ooops 6 Million Jewish Holocaust/Holohoax 1949-45 Germany

Dear Brethren,

Lies being taught;

6 million peace loving Jews were killed, gassed or burnt alive in ovens, children used as target practice etc by Hitler/Nazis in Holocaust.

Now the truth;

We have heard the story of "False Cry of Wolf", "6 million Jewish Holocaust" is a similar story being told since 1899, only difference is, that, in this story, there was never any wolf, only Rothschild's desire to have possession of Palestine and Jewish homeland ‘Israel’.

On April 30, 1945, Hitler dies and Germany Surrenders. 20 days later on May 1945, the 1st news which comes out of Germany after death of Hitler and surrender of Germany is that 6 million Jews are safe and were found working in hidden factories. The news was published in New York Times on May 20, 1945.

Published New York Times May 20, 1945 after death of Hitler

The complete news is as under:-

New York Times May 20, 1945 after death of Hitler.

On 6th/9th August 1945, Jew Bernard Baruch and Truman (member of Jewish secret society) burns alive babies, children, girls, women and old men in two Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The word "Holocaust" is from the Greek "holokaustos" and means "burnt whole". More than a Million babies, children, girls, women and old men all Civilians were burnt alive in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by under orders of a racist President Harry Truman:-

Immediately thereafter 6 million Jews who were found alive and who were liberated in Germany in May 1945 are now reported "victims of Holocaust". Interestingly there is no news of 6 million Jews Holocaust between 30th April 1945 and August 9, 1945, all this trash is given to eat after a million babies, children, girls, women and old men are burnt alive in two Japanese cities (Albert Einstein originator, Bernard Baruch - Director, J Robert Oppenheimer scientific Director Manhattan Project all Jews). Typical of allied (all Lies) propaganda whereby they reduce their crime against humanity by several times and increased that of the enemy by equal number. Jewish Holocaust

The actual figures of dead in German Camps by released by International Red Cross after 60 years of being kept secret are as under;-

Actual International Red Cross actual figures which are only 2% of reported figures.

Actually these were work Camps -- That's why the prisoner's had a tattoo -- to keep track of the workers.  Prisoners couldn't switch identity cards with a permanent tattoo.  Nor could the "ID card" be lost or stolen or traded.  The idea of a tattoo is now fashionable today with many shops exclusively catering to tattoo making however at time it was efficient as it only had to be done once -- and it was cheaper than constantly making ID cards from paper that was scarce. Think about it, why should the Germans bother to take the time to tattoo people they were going to kill?

Proof 1; New York Times dated May 20, 1945 reported liberation of 6 million Jewish 'slaves' working in hidden factories. All of them were well fed and alive.

When we look at these fat faces, they were obviously not starved to death. They also did not come in touch with the POWs to catch typhus as the children were usually separated from the adults. The Red Cross inspected the camps regularly. It was different with the German POWs under the Americans, the Red Cross was not allowed, nor was any medical help allowed. 

More pictures of liberated Jews;-

These Hungarian Jewish women and their babies were photographed on May 1, 1945, two days after the liberation of the camps.

Proof 2; Prisoners liberated from camps. It means Jews were alive and being fed. You don’t take prisoners and keep them in camps only to kill them. And if they were killed who was liberated.
Proof 3; To capture 6 million, feed them protect them from allied bombing you need to have an equally large number of army. Germany was at a war. It needed all its men at fronts. 6 million Jews and six million spare army men means they could have additional resources of 12 million army and they could have defeated Russia and consequently allies. They would not spare precious resources to protect Jews.

Proof 4; Photographs. In none of the photographs are the victims religion identified. in none of the photos, the number of persons exceed 100. There are not 6,00,000 different photos doing the round. Who Authenticated the Photos, the same Jews who wanted and got Possession of Jerusalem or Eisenhower who himself killed 1.7 Million Unarmed POWs and sold their Photos as those of dead Jews. testimonies extracted under torture at Farce of Nuremberg Trials where Justice failed.

Proof 5; As per western / US/ Russian Historians there were also ‘millions’ of eye witnesses watching 6 million Jews being killed. There were also ‘millions’ of photographs/ photographers and ‘millions’ of documents writers since there are 47 million documents, ‘millions’ also escaped. ‘millions’ also survived, so approx 70 million people were involved in evidencing / recording of 6 million Jewish Holocaust. After deducting these 90 million eye witnesses, document writers, photographers etc from total people involved in WW2, none is left to fight the war. If we believe Holocaust Believers, there was no WW2 as none is left to fight WW 2 which became mythical as more than 70 million were recording/ photographing and watching 6 million Jews being killed.

Proof 6; 6 million Jewish holocaust has been propagated 236 times prior to Nuremberg announcement after 1st Zionist Conference at Basel Municipal Casino on August 29, 1897 resolved that Jewish Homeland in Palestine is the only solution for Jewish problems.

Proof 7; The very fact that there are several million survivors who took money backfires the claims of Holocaust.

Is it illegal to deny WW2? No

Is it illegal to deny earth is round? No

Is it illegal to deny 9/11? No

Is it illegal to deny Holocaust? Yes


"The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of the nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies but would be ashamed to tell a big one." Adolf Hitler.

No one wonders that if Holocaust was real why Otto Frank never died but went to make millions out of her dead daughter. The diary of Anne frank is written in Ball point pen. It was invented by László Bíró, in 1938. In 1940 the Bíró brothers and a friend, Juan Jorge Meyne, moved to Argentina fleeing Nazi Germany and on June 10 filed for its patent. however it never came into production till about 29 October 1945 in America. It was marketed much later in 1946. There is no way that Anne Frank could have a ball point pen when she is supposed to have written her diary. No body was ever able to talk to her know the truth. The diary was written in America by Jew Writer Meyer Levin, who was awarded $ 50,000 dollars by US Court to be paid by Otto Frank to author Meyer Levin for use of his fictional work as 'Diary of Anne Frank'. Remember Anne Frank died of Typhus and her father Otto never died but went on to make millions out of her dead daughter.

Why the Big Lie;

i) Need for “6 million Jewish Holocaust” began with Tenth Century BC with the construction of First Temple by King Solomon wherein he placed “Ark of Covenant” containing Ten Commandments for Jewish People.

ii) First Temple was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II in 587 BC. Second Temple was built on 516 BC which was destroyed by Romans in 70 CE.

iii) 1st Zionist Conference at Basel Municipal Casino on August 29, 1897 resolved that only solution for Jewish problems is a Jewish Homeland in Palestine.

iv) During the first meeting between Weizmann and Balfour in 1906, Balfour asked what Weizmann's objections were to the idea of a Jewish homeland in Uganda, rather than in Palestine. According to Weizmann's memoir, the conversation went as follows:

"Mr. Balfour, supposing I was to offer you Paris instead of London, would you take it?" He sat up, looked at me, and answered: "But Dr. Weizmann, we have London." "That is true," I said, "but we had Jerusalem when London was a marsh."

v) Then came Balfour declaration in exchange for Zimmerman telegram and Lusitania sinking but no Israel. When asked by William Yale, of US state Department what the Jews would do if the British Failed to live upto their agreement, Chairn Weizmann retorted, ; “If they don’t, we’ll smash the British Empire like we smashed the Russian Empire.”

vi) Since whole of Jerusalem was not handed over to Jews, they smashed the British Empire nevertheless after end of world war 2.

vii) If England had honored its commitment given to Rothschild contained in Balfour Declaration of giving Jerusalem to Rothschild and creating Israel in 1919 rather than creating Czechoslovakia, than WW2 would not have happened and neither the myth of 6 million Jewish Holocaust at Nuremberg farce.

 Please don't forget to see the following time line for 6 million Jewish Holocaust;-

(10th century BC) 





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